GDPR and Privacy Policy

Flightor respects the privacy of its users and therefore does not store any private information about them. An exception is the email that users enter when setting up a watch dog. Watch Dog as a service that sends an email to user requests can not work without email, so emails are stored in our database for the duration of the set alert. After deleting the set alert, the email is deleted from the database. Only those responsible for managing it have access to the Flightor database. Emails are sent using Sparkpost service, which for this purpose gets a list of emails to send message to. Sparkpost keeps emails messages were sent to for possible debugging for up to 7 days. Sparkpost adhere to the GDPR rules, see their Privacy Statement.

Sparkpost - GDPR

For user feedback and behavior, Flightor uses Google Analytics and Smartlook. These services record anonymized user actions, for example, knowing which countries our users come from, what devices they use, or which elements the most clicks on the page, that allows us to evaluate whether to add another Flightor translation or to target the site for another mobile device. For Google Analytics, anonymized user action information is stored for 14 days and in the case of Smartlook for 3 days. Both services also adhere to the GDPR rules, see their Privacy Statement.

Google analytics - privacy statement

Smartlook - privacy statement - GDPR

For the purpose of debugging and for meeting legitimate access scrambling requirements, we store the IP addresses from which Flightor users access in our website. We only use these logs for a necessary time. Only the person responsible for managing the servers Flightor is running on has access to those logs.